Thursday, August 22, 2013

Moroccan Chicken with Couscous

Moroccan Chicken with Couscous

My husband Josh LOVES Moroccan Chicken! We even had it on our wedding day! Now I'm not really sure if this is the real moroccan chicken but hey, its SO tasty! The recipe I have is from my 
mother-in-law, but I have changed it just a tad. 

  1. 2 tablespoons of Curry. (I use Hot Curry but there is just regular)
  2. 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon.
  3. 2-4 Boneless, Skinless, Chicken breasts. (I cut them in half. It started as just to make the amount in the chicken that was in the freezer to last and I just stuck with it)
  4. 1 Box of Couscous. (the directions for the amount of people is on the back)
  5. Salt and Pepper to taste.
  6. 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil.
  1. Put salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken.
  2. Take a small bowl and put your 2 tablespoons of curry and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the bowl. Mix it together so it becomes a paste. (I make it a little more watery looking then a paste so I may put more then a 1 tablespoon)
  3. Spread the paste onto both sides of the chicken.
  4. Put in the oven on 350F for 30 minutes.
  5. Make your Couscous when you have 15-10 minutes left on the oven.

       (I also use a knife to mix and to spread on the chicken. you can use your hands but mine smell like the paste even the day after if I do haha!)

(This is the kind of Couscous I use. I am told you can use Quinao{Keen-wah}..but why mess with a good thing haha!)

You will not be disappointed! It is SO GOOD! My husband says though its not good as left overs haha! It just looses a little bit of flavor. Its not near as good as it is right out of the oven. I am making this right now and my stomach is grumbling!! Today is the 22nd of August! Today it has been 8 months since our wedding day, so its the perfect dinner! This is really easy and quick to make too!

December 22nd, 2012! <3

INSTAGRAM: haleymarie1991
TWITTER: @haleymarie1991

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